
Membership Benefits

Access Industry & Trade Information

  • Share with and learn from fellow industry players about business opportunities, industry trends, ways to manage key issues, etc.
  • Have a platform where your opinions and views of the industry are represented.
  • Receive the most recent updates & circulars via email.
  • Participate in forums, feedback & dialogue sessions with agencies.

Industry Networking Activities

  • Participate in our regular members’ gatherings and networking sessions.

Increase Your Business Opportunities

  • Participate in exclusive networking sessions and business missions.
  • Complimentary listing in the Annual Report and other SASS publications.
  • Complimentary listing in Membership Directory on SASS website.

Create Your Identity

  • Receive SASS Membership Certificate.
  • Display SASS logo on your fleet & collaterals.
  • Exclusive opportunity to take up advertisement banners on SASS website.
Membership Guidelines

A company must have a minimum of three years track record , but that in all cases the Council reserved the right to be the final arbitrator.

Subject to SASS Council approval, a potential Associate Member may apply, but under the criteria of an Ordinary Member, excluding Point 2. If accepted they will enjoy the same privileges as an Ordinary Member ie they may display the ISSA logo, will be listed in the ISSA Register etc. In such cases the applicant will be required to meet the criteria for Ordinary Membership, and will also pay the Ordinary Member s Entrance Fee and Annual Subscription.

Ordinary Members

  1. Applicants must be a business registered in Singapore with the Registrar of Companies & Businesses
  2. Must be an established general ship supply business, and described as such in the ACRA bizFILE Principal Acivities . Exceptionally, other significant marine industry non-ship supply businesses may apply will be reviewed case-by-case by the SASS Council.
  3. Must be staffed and equipped to make direct ship or offshore vessel/rig deliveries.
  4. Must be ISO 9001:2008 certified. As an alternative, applicants may apply for an ISSA QC Audit to qualify for the ISSA Quality Mark. Applications for Ordinary Membership may be provisionally approved by the SASS Council, subject to successful completion of the ISSA Quality Audit.
  5. A minimum of 5 employees, excluding directors.
  6. Proposed and Seconded by two SASS Ordinary Members, one of whom must be a SASS Council Member.
  7. All sole proprietors, partners, directors and senior executives must be free from any criminal conviction/record, excluding spent convictions, and be of sound commercial reputation.
  8. Must be prepared for a visit/site verification by SASS Council Members.
  9. Supporting documents required: SASS Ordinary Membership Application plus a current Business Profile from the Register of Companies & Businesses.
  10. For private limited company applicants, the paid-up share capital must be of a respectable amount.

Associate Members

  1. Applicants must be a business registered in Singapore with the Register of Companies & Businesses
  2. Must be an established marine industry service provider (as per bizFILE) but not a general ship supplier. Exceptionally, other enterprises with relevance to the marine industry may apply will be reviewed case-by-case by the SASS Council.
  3. A minimum of 2 employees, excluding directors.
  4. Proposed and Seconded by two SASS Members, one of whom must be a SASS Council Member.
  5. All sole proprietors, partners, directors and senior executives must be free from any criminal conviction/record, excluding spent convictions, and be of sound commercial reputation.
  6. Must be prepared for a visit/site verification by SASS Council Members.
  7. Supporting documents required: SASS Associate Membership Application plus a current business/company profile from the Register of Companies & Businesses.
Membership Fees

Ordinary Member 

S$1,000 – Subscription fee per annual
S$1,200 – Entrance fee

Associate Member

S$600 – Subscription fee per annual
S$750 – Entrance fee

Membership Application Form

Membership Application Form

"*" indicates required fields

Category of Membership applied for*
Please tick one of the following applicable to the status of your company:
For private limited company, please state the authorized and paid up capital
Number of Directors/Partners
Office Space
Nominated Representative
Categories of the Ship Supply Trade engaged in (Please Tick Accordingly)
Parties to which supplies are made (Please Tick Accordingly)
I/We, the aforementioned applicant do hereby apply for *Ordinary / Associate Membership of Singapore Association of Ship Suppliers. I/We undertake, upon acceptance as such member, to abide by all the Rules, Regulations, By-Laws and the Constitution of the Association. I/We also declare that the Directors/Partners/Nominated Representative/Sole-proprietors have no criminal records whatsoever and I/we welcome any verification by Council Members of the Association.
Please Tick The Box To Confirm*

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SASS aims to achieve
the following objectives:

- To promote, regulate, protect, represent and further the interests, conduct and operations of our members

- To disseminate advice, industry updates and other useful information to our members

- To encourage social interaction among our members and with other related organizations

- To co-operate with any other organization whose objectives and activities are beneficial to the association

Danny Lien

President, 2012 to Present

Our past SASS Presidents

1. 2009 to 2011 Mr Tony Ng
2. 2005 to 2008 Mr A H Hajah
3. April 2004 to December 2004 Mr Fernando Tissa (Acting President)
4. 2003 to April 2004 Mr Mike Sim (Incomplete Term)
5. 2001 to 2002 Mr Henry E W Ng
6. 1998 to 2000 Mr A H Hajah
7. 1993 to 1998 Mr Mike Sim
8. 1992 to 1993 Col How Seen Shing
9. 1990 to 1992 Mr Lim Kim Cheng
10. 1988 to 1990 Col How Seen Shing
11. 1987 to 1988 Mr M S Baveja


The Singapore Association of Shipsuppliers & Services (SASS) was formed 3 decades ago by local ship suppliers with a common vision to promote the economic interests of all our members. With the help of Information Technology, SASS aims to keep our members abreast with the latest updates and developments in the shipping industry via our website. 

Established on 2 June 1981, SASS has since come a long way in promoting the interests of the ship supply industry.

SASS aims to achieve the following objectives:

Upcoming Events

- To promote, regulate, protect, represent and further the interests, conduct and operations of our members

- To disseminate advice, industry updates and other useful information to our members

- To encourage social interaction among our members and with other related organizations

- To co-operate with any other organization whose objectives and activities are beneficial to the association

Join Us & Become A Member Today

experience the power of collective expertise

Our Vision

To be the global leader in ship supply industry transformation  

Our Mission

Upskilling & professionalizing the ship supplies industry through adoption of technology, training and education
