Contact Us
Contact Details
Singapore Association of Shipsuppliers and Services
90 Tuas Avenue 11, S639101
Phone: +65 6506 0122
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SASS aims to achieve
the following objectives:
- To promote, regulate, protect, represent and further the interests, conduct and operations of our members
- To disseminate advice, industry updates and other useful information to our members
- To encourage social interaction among our members and with other related organizations
- To co-operate with any other organization whose objectives and activities are beneficial to the association

Danny Lien
President, 2012 to Present
1. 2009 to 2011 Mr Tony Ng
2. 2005 to 2008 Mr A H Hajah
3. April 2004 to December 2004 Mr Fernando Tissa (Acting President)
4. 2003 to April 2004 Mr Mike Sim (Incomplete Term)
5. 2001 to 2002 Mr Henry E W Ng
6. 1998 to 2000 Mr A H Hajah
7. 1993 to 1998 Mr Mike Sim
8. 1992 to 1993 Col How Seen Shing
9. 1990 to 1992 Mr Lim Kim Cheng
10. 1988 to 1990 Col How Seen Shing
11. 1987 to 1988 Mr M S Baveja
The Singapore Association of Shipsuppliers & Services (SASS) was formed 3 decades ago by local ship suppliers with a common vision to promote the economic interests of all our members. With the help of Information Technology, SASS aims to keep our members abreast with the latest updates and developments in the shipping industry via our website.
Established on 2 June 1981, SASS has since come a long way in promoting the interests of the ship supply industry.

SASS aims to achieve the following objectives:
Upcoming Events
- To promote, regulate, protect, represent and further the interests, conduct and operations of our members
- To disseminate advice, industry updates and other useful information to our members
- To encourage social interaction among our members and with other related organizations
- To co-operate with any other organization whose objectives and activities are beneficial to the association

Our Vision
Our Mission
Upskilling & professionalizing the ship supplies industry through adoption of technology, training and education